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HORARIO TIENDA: Lunes - Viernes 10.00 - 14.00 y 17.00 - 20.00 I Sábado 10.00 - 14.30

Pedidos Urgentes llamar al 915 759 536 o enviar mail a info@mossfloristas.com

"Moss is known for its beautiful shop-workshop and well-kept online store, for its friendly service and for the bouquets and centerpieces that they make with great taste with flowers and plants."

"They work with companies, brands and people, designing floral decorations for campaigns, projects, weddings and all types of private and corporate events."

"The bags of flowers, the bouquets in tote bags are very practical to carry, and the centers in enameled ceramic pots are beautiful."

"They speak Spanish, English and French."